ELECTROMIGRATION INDUCED EDGE VOID DYNAMICS ON THE INTERCONNECT SURFACE Two Fold Crystal Symmetry, {110} Planes in FCC The interconnect having two fold symmetry with zero degree tilt angle θ= 0 with respect to the electric field direction tends to transform the Gaussian hape edgevoid into the slit like shape stretched to the windward direction. Eventually, the tip of this slit type void breaks down and generates an internal void having various different in forms. The actual form of this newly created void is strongly affected by the intensity of the electron wind.At low electron wind intensities χ≤10 as can be seen from the Figure, at first a large size slit shape internal void forms, which migrates slowly towards the lower surface attached to the substrate. Finally it hits the lower interface of the sample creating fatal and deep crack there. This process doesn’t stop there, and rather repeats itself till the complete electrical breakdown takes place. |