- Materials Science
- Theoretical and Computational Materials Science:
Irreversible thermodynamics of surfaces and interfaces; Continuum mechanics; Boundary and Finite element methods; Electromigration; Internal friction; Sintering behavior of powder compacts; Thin film growth modes (Volmer-Weber, Frank-van der Merwe, Stranski-Krastanov); Fabricating epitaxial nanoscale structures (quantum dots); Mechanical behavior of micro- and nano-size materials; Modeling and design of inorganic binding peptides.
- High-Tech Ceramics:
Ceramic powders (i.e. PbZrO3, PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3, BaTiO3) and Ceramic powder synthesis techniques: (i.e. Homogeneous precipitation, hydrothermal synthesis).
- Biomimetics:
Protein-inorganic interactions and their binding kinetic analysis (QCM, SPR); Peptide directed assembly and material synthesis.
- Physics
- Solid State Physics:
Electrical, magnetic and optical properties of materials.
- Astronomy:
Amateur observations.
- Biology/Biotechnology
- Molecular Biology:
Protein structure prediction: Homology and template based modeling; Atomistic molecular dynamics modeling, Ab initio quantum mechanical calculations, protein-protein interactions (shape complementarity and electrostatic).
- Bioinformatics:
Protein/Peptide knowledge (sequence)-based design and characterization.
- Computer-Knowledge
- Operation Systems:
Unix / Linux / Windows 9X/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7
- Programming Languages:
Pascal / Fortran / C and C++ / Perl / Python, MathCad, MatLab.
- Softwares:
HyperChem, NAMD, Tinker, Modeller, Hex, Raptor, YASARA, VMD, Jmol, PyMOL, RasMol, molecular modeling and visualization systems; Diamond, CrystalMaker and Crystal studio crystallography programs.
- WEB Administration: